Solver Xlam Download Mac Excel 2011

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Problem: In Mac Excel 2011, you try to run a VBA add-in (TreePlan, SensIt, or SimVoi) and receive an error message like “Error in loading DLL,” “Excel could not open (the XLAM add-in file name) because some content is unreadable,” or “Excel repaired or removed unreadable content from this workbook ” Possible cause: Mac Excel 2011 was installed using the Apple Migration Assistant (which can be used to transfer Mac Excel 2011 from another computer to the current computer). There have been reports (and it is our experience) that the Migration Assistant is not successful when it is used to transfer Mac Office 2011 from one computer to another. Specifically, the Migration Assistant may not transfer the Mac Excel 2011 VBA features reliably. To verify VBA problems: (A) Can you record a macro? To check, choose Tools > Macro > Record New Macro If the Record Macro dialog box appears, it’s working. Click the Cancel button. (B) Is VBA installed and working?

To check, choose Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor. On the new topmost menu, choose Insert > Module.

If you get this far, then VBA is likely fine. On the topmost menu, choose Excel > Close and Return to Microsoft Excel.


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Solution for VBA problems: Completely remove the Mac Office 2011 suite and then reinstall the whole suite without using the Migration Assistant. This solution was recommended by XinXin Liu, Test Lead for Mac Excel, Macintosh Business Unit, Microsoft.

Learn how to install an Excel add-in file (.xla or.xlam) on Excel 2011 for Mac. Includes step-by-step instructions and detailed images to make it easy.

To completely remove Mac Office 2011, follow these instructions: “How to completely remove Office for Mac 2011” at More information: (A) If you have the 25-character product key that came with your Office for Mac 2011 purchase, you can download the software at (B) In Mac OS X 10.10.5 and earlier, after reinstalling Mac Office 2011 and after installing updates, we recommend running the Disk Utility to repair permissions. To do so, choose Finder > Go > Utilities > Disk Utility > (select disk) > Repair Disk Permissions. (C) You can search for questions, answers, and discussion regarding Mac Excel 2011 on the Microsoft Community forum at To provide comments and suggestions or for additional information about TreePlan, SensIt, and SimVoi, please send e-mail to Mike Middleton.

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I created a program in Excel 2010 on my PC that relies on the built-in solver for Excel. I made sure it worked on both Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 for PC. I then tried to use this same program on Excel 2011, and ran into an issue.

When I tried to compile the project, it says 'Compile Error: Can't find Project or Library'. I remembered this happening on the PC side before I enabled the solver, so I went into Tools -> Add-ins and then enabled the Solver.Xlam. However, I got the same exact error. I went into the developer side, and went to Tools -> Reference, and found that Solver.Xlam is missing. I realized that the address it thinks the solver is at is where the solver is on my PC, but not where it is on OSX. When I search on OSX I find the solver is at /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Add-Ins. So I clicked 'Browse' on the bottom and select Solver.Xlam.

Solver Xlam File

I select Solver.Xlam. But now I get a different error. After this error pops up, the location it is looking for Solver.Xlam at resets to the previous location. What is the issue here? How do I go about solving this issue? Had similar issues and couldn't FIND how to get SOLVER.xla or SOLVER.xlam back into the Tools refererence when opening in Excel 2013 SOLUTION! I have been very stressed trying to get some VBA macros to work between Windows 7 to Windows 10.

(Excel 2013). No amount of searching would work. I had the 'MISSING: SOLVER.XLAM' in the tools/references and couldn't find the NEW solver anywhere using any recommended paths. I finally: 1- Went to the Excel 2013 Application 2 - Opened File/Options/Add-Ins 3 - On the page with the add ins, I clicked on the bottom 'Manage Excel Add-Ins'. And found 4 SOLVER related Add-ins there. 4 - Once these were activated, I was able to RETURN to VBA (Alt-F11) and then the 'SOLVER' option was available in the Tools/References!!

Solver Xlam Download

Added it - my macros now work fine.

Tried Jon's CheckSolver. It failed using post-2003.xlam type environment.

I used Application.Run but no soap. I assume that is what he means by 'late binding'. Like a few of you, I noticed his Solver.xla call at the end of CheckSolver. What am i missing. In my main routine I do this: Public Sub TestSolverReference() Dim wsSolver As Worksheet: Set wsSolver = Worksheets('SolverSheet') Dim solverExists As Boolean 'Verify Solver exists. SolverExists = CheckSolver If solverExists = False Then Exit Sub 'Set initial parameter estimates. WsSolver.Range('B4').Value = 1 wsSolver.Range('B5').Value = 1 'Run Solver. Adobe cs6 free trial download.

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